U is for Usability
As our new Helpdesk portal reaches the 2 months stage, it seems an adequate time to reflect on some of the usability challenges that we faced both in designing the system and part of the ongoing process to improve user's access to helpdesk information. These challenges aren't specific to our Helpdesk...

Support for Manufacturing has Never Been Better
UK manufacturers have felt for some time that they are the poor relation throughout Europe and the rest of the world when it comes to support from the government. Many believe that other countries receive far more support than here in Britain...

T is for Traceability
Traceability is often thought to be the domain of food, pharmaceutical or perhaps electronics companies, but more and more it’s the concern of everyone. Interestingly, researchers have found, that when businesses make a mistake and put it right they receive higher customer satisfaction scores than those...

S is for Support
As with any product purchased from any supplier or vendor, aftersales support is one of the key ingredients to a worthwhile experience. It is the same with software, and we are always striving to improve the service we provide to our end users.
There are also some tips in getting the most of any support centre ...

R is for Reporting
We live in the world of “Big Data” and the need for extracting, interpreting and reporting on this data is key to the efficient running of the business. Not only has this data got to be accessible at the touch of the button “Information at your Fingertips” but it needs to be accessible in multiple ways to multiple people...

Victory for K3 at the Cape Argus Bike Ride, South Africa
An early start with a pre-ordered breakfast set a good start to the already bright day. As we arranged the team in readiness to cycle to the start it became apparent that the weather was not all it seemed through the windows of the hotel. The wind was...

P is for Performance
As part of my role as a Specialist Services consultant at K3 Syspro, I have to investigate performance issues reported by our SYSPRO Customers. As a result of this, I’m also tasked with identifying trends and feeding back my findings to our operations team, and occasionally on to SYSPRO for further investigation.

O is for Optimisation
Optimisation should apply to everything we do to achieve the best results possible. Depending on your individual background the word optimisation may apply slightly differently than it does to others, but the end goal is one of common similarity. Take these two scenarios for example; Put yourself in the mind-set of an...

N is for New Helpdesk Portal
As the first month of 2014 comes to an end, it's out with the old, and in with the new, as K3 Syspro introduces a much-improved ticketing system to log, track, and answer all of your support queries.
As part of a larger project to improve all helpdesk functions, the...

M is for Mobile
The term “mobile” has become one of the buzz-words of the decade, and is right up there with cloud and social.
When a business first hears the word “mobile” (in an ERP sense), they usually think of operators wandering around a warehouse, sporting supermarket grade 1D barcode readers, picking stock for a sales...