How to Choose Your ERP Implementation Team
Every ERP implementation needs an ERP implementation team and the difference between a strong team and weak team can be the difference between a successful ERP implementation and project which struggles to get off the ground. Each team member needs to have the right attitude and personality to contribute well to the team as well as the appropriate level of technical skill and knowledge to ensure the system works for the company.

Why Manufacturing Firms Need to Change with the Times
It is a difficult balance for companies; investment verses coping with every-day costs and operations. Managing staff and putting time in to re-training when everybody is stretched to keep the machine and jobs going, has rightly been the focus. But, it is a balance and it is about taking stock, understanding the true position and state of a company’s operations to be able to see the gaps, to implement improvements that can demonstrate a real return and more profit to the bottom line; to survive another decade and beyond.

How To Keep Your ERP Solution Secure
Security is an issue that we deal with on a day-to-day basis, often without even realising that we are doing it. We lock and double check doors as a matter of routine, we carry bags close to our bodies, we don’t leave expensive items on sight. In short, we keep our valuables close at hand or locked up safe. Just in case.

Knowledge Is Power: Why Training is Needed for ERP
Once companies have made the decision to implement ERP they assume that the hard work is over and that the system will simply run itself. Everyone assumes that someone else will know how to manage it, expecting colleagues to train each other up with what little skill they have in the area. Arranging formal ERP training when it is first implemented is essential to the smooth running of the system.

In or Out? The Art of Succession Planning
There is much discussion in the news at the moment about Microsoft’s appointment of Satya Nadella as CEO. Is this the case of exceptional succession planning? Or a safe choice which allows Bill Gates to effectively maintain control? Did Microsoft…

How to Get The Most Out of Your Support Desk
I thought it might be useful to make some suggestions on how customers can make their support relationship work. First, I would strongly advise that before a new system goes live a representative from the support desk should visit your site to meet the people using the system and understand the solution.

Creating Effective ERP Project Teams
Selecting a project team for your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is all too often done on the basis of job role, rather than who is best for the project. What actually makes a good ERP team player? In my opinion there are four requirements: