Partner Profile - DataSwitch
Digital technologies are transforming the way UK manufacturing supply chains function and while some manufacturers may still be trying to determine how best to prepare for these developments, others are already one step ahead, reviewing their business processes and identifying where investment in business automation and integration could deliver the greatest benefits.

Is cloud ERP for me?
The quick answer would, unfortunately, be another question: “How big is your business?” One vague question leading to another. Although both are valid questions, they are only the starting point. Manufacturing firms of all sizes are beginning to seek the flexibility of the cloud so, to answer the question fully, more than just the size of your business needs to be taken into consideration

ERP and business processes
Times are tough for UK manufacturers with trends towards robotisation, automation and mass customisation placing increasing pressure on them to up their game. Coupled with this is the pressure from OEMs to meet ever more challenging KPIs relating to production turnaround times, quality standards or compliance.

Digital Supply Chain - Beyond the Horizon
What's Next
The technologies powering Industry 4.0 are already driving manufacturing towards a future dominated by digital supply chains. As the digital infrastructure replaces the traditional, linear supply chain, the term digital supply…

Digital Supply Chain - Benchmarking Your Current Position
Benchmarking Your Current Position
For many manufacturing businesses the smart factory and digital supply chain of the future is still many years away, and there is a misconception that only big corporate organisations are near to making…

Digital Supply Chain - Navigating the Technological Landscape
Before discussing supply networks the future shape of digital supply chains – it is useful to look at the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) and summarise the important technologies that are converging to enable this transformation.

Digital Supply Chain - What is it?
What is a Digital Supply Chain?
The general conception of the term digital supply chain (DSC) has shifted in recent years. It was originally coined to describe systems by which physical goods, such as music recordings and books, had become…

Industry 4.0 - The Future of Manufacturing
The Future Manufacturing Business Model
For the visions of Industry 4.0 to become reality, manufacturing companies need to begin by looking at their existing business model. It’s no longer enough for manufacturers to operate to a Just In…

Industry 4.0 - Megatrends
If your business is busy planning its route to and through Industry 4.0, you’re going to become quickly accustomed to all the perceived changes and revolutions affecting the manufacturing industry, so you can plan how to best…

Industry 4.0 - Robots and Automation
Robots and Automation
It used to be the case that few manufacturers outside of the automotive sector would have a requirement for, or the funds required, to invest in robotics and automation. But as the sector has accelerated its own output…