Is your business ready for the Age of Change?
The past few years have brought more disruption to every industry than businesses have experienced for several decades. From the mass pause on productivity brought about by the covid pandemic, to the current situation in Ukraine, rising prices…

How Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) can drive business performance
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Manufacturing companies already know that digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, are transforming the way the industry operates. For many, however, figuring out where to begin the…

The smart factory Part 4: What skills do manufacturers and distributors need in the factory of the future?
Reading Time: 3 minutes
As manufacturers and distributors inject their operations with innovative technologies in an effort to transform them into smart factories, a shift in how those factories are staffed has emerged. As industries evolve,…

The smart factory Part 3: What does the factory of the future look like
Reading Time: 4 minutes
The pandemic and recent challenges have placed unprecedented pressure on manufacturing companies, which have been forced to adapt to supply chain interruptions, market shifts and labour shortages. But with these…

The smart factory Part 2: How manufacturers and distributors can evolve towards the smart factory
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Several years ago, only the bravest and most ambitious enterprises embarked on the digital transformation journey, today the industry landscape has changed. Now digitalisation of manufacturing and distribution supply…

The smart factory Part 1: Digitisation, digitalisation and digital transformation
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Manufacturers and distributors want to dramatically increase their efficiency, productivity and accuracy through smart technologies, data analytics and connected services. Transitioning from manual operations and…

What is ERP and How Does it Benefit Manufacturers and Distributors?
Just over 100 years ago, when the world was going through its previous pandemic (the 1919 Spanish flu), the organizational structure of divisions and departments we accept as normal were only just being defined, by people like Alfred Sloan and…

The Executive guide to ERP: Part 1
Are you struggling with duplication of processes with disparate systems, the inability to support a mobile workforce, scrambling to keep track of resources, departments within the organisation working in silos, and the list goes on. Are you…

Keep Aerospace Flying With Low Cost Industry 4.0
Like many sectors across the world, the global aviation industry suffered throughout the pandemic. In 2020, it posted net losses totalling $118 billion.
Fortunately, the industry rebounded somewhat in 2021 and its outlook for next year is…

UK firms scrambled to stockpile items before the Brexit deadline
Our latest research has shown that 60% of businesses have been negatively affected by the pandemic.
While this is unsurprising, it does highlight something critical for firms:
They need more agile solutions to better help them prepare…